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The smartest way to do real estate.

But don’t just take our word for it.

Ibrahim Oshikoya

CEO, Ecoleed

Bánkólé made it
so easy.

Bánkólé played a crucial role in kickstarting my project by connecting me with the perfect building and financing partners. Their unwavering support and guidance made all the difference, ensuring a smooth and successful launch.

We are
Rebuilding Trust
Every organization listed in the consortium has been thoroughly researched and vetted. To do this, we developed efficient TRUST metrics and only companies that have met these values are listed in our directory.
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We serve organizations of varying sizes, matching their objectives to the right service providers within our community.


Buying property, building, or investing? Our range of solutions cater to indlividuals and can be tailored to your specific needs. 


Discover investment opportunities in real estate that offer great value for your money.

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About Bánkólé

Bánkólé is a trust based community committed to closing the housing gap in Nigeria’s real estate market. To achieve this, we partner with trusted and competent service providers listed on our platform, to provide a range of solutions while working with feedback from our users to help ensure services provided maintain a set standard. 
